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    Q: Why those feeds?
    A: Because #2 and #3 are reliable and the others are shockers!

    The Bug: Excerpt One

    "I have to leave now," she said, reaching for her jeans.

    They'd fallen asleep, and he'd awakened to find Ute rustling around on the floor looking for her bedclothes.

    "What time is it?" he asked.

    "Oh, about five. But I have to go."

    "Why don't you sleep awhile?"

    "No. Really. I have to go"

    It had been years since he'd slept with someone he wasn't in a relationship with. And now he remembered: When sex was casual, both parties had to pretend they didn't really want anything.

    "Hey. Okay," he said, not meaning it, but understanding this was what he supposed to say. "If you need directions on-"

    "I'm fine," she said.

    And then he lay on the bed with his eyes closed, waiting for her to be gone. What had she wanted from him? Sex, evidently, and nothing more. He heard her flush the toilet, run water in the sink, then start gargling. It embarrassed him to hear it, this gargling and spitting; he felt he should somehow know her much better before he knew about that part of her.

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