Tag: template

February 23, 2007 / Mambo / Joomla

Now there’s a misleading title but I had cause to ask a Mambo site to output some info without a template. Sadly it didn’t want to do that – although if you know another method, please leave a comment…

The official method is to call www.mysite.com/index2.php but that still parses the page and adds an alternate stylesheet and header information. It’s good, but not perfect.

January 24, 2006 / WordPress

One thing I haven’t become involved with is writing plugins for WordPress but I have been looking at ways to make my blog more efficient.

I tried out a tag system back in October but found that it generated too many tags and often irrelevant tags so finally scrapped it in favour of the plugins from Ultimate Tag Warrior produced by fellow kiwi Christine Davis (who I don’t actually know ;)). Her system allowed me to produce a “Tag Cloud” which is pretty cool.

I haven’t totally got my head around the custom tags page with url rewriting but for now I’m happy with urls like /index.php?tag=kiwi and I’ve learnt a little about templates.

So when I posted some info about the UTW plugin at DigitalPoint one of the members asked about Category Archives and gave a new plugin to use. I took a look and couldn’t quite work out how to use it, so took the lessons from UTW and applied them!

August 11, 2005 / PHP & Web Development

I love blogs, love reading ’em. However Blogger blogs have a major flaw in their templates when it comes to the links to the single page posts. Some of the templates have addressed it but in the older blogs the problem still remains.

Take a look at Spam Bank and you’ll see that the heading for every post is a link and the footer information includes the heading. Take a look at most other blogger sites and it won’t be. That causes problems when the posts are long, you want to make a comment, or return to read comments and it’s really hard to find the end of that post.

Well, read on for the solution…