Simple SEO

Search Engine Optimisation, or SEO, doesn’t have to be hard. To get the basics right is actually really simple!

Read some of the pages on this site and learn about correct page structure, cached stylesheets and javscript. Get inbound links, and give them too!

I’ll be making this page into a FAQ and resources guide to simple seo so bookmark it and return often to see where the new info is.


  1. You need to have a site that is easy to navigate and part of that is having a well ordered, plain html sitemap for both humans and search engine bots to use
  2. You need to have a Google XML Sitemap to assist google in indexing your site quickly, and without chewing through unnecessary bandwidth.

If you see any info on page optimisation which talks about tricks, cloaking or appears deceptive – then ignore the advice. Their info is only good in the short term (as the search engine engineers will be reading that article too) and you may find that in the long term the effort involved in keeping your site from being banned doesn’t justify the short term gain.

KISS: Keep it simple, seo!
