Tag: scam

January 22, 2008 / Other Stuff

We are all used to the phishing emails that we get sent from “banks” and “auctions sites” – trying to steal your logins for financial gain. A new phase has started where phishing messages are sent via the private message (PM) facility at a forum.

The motive in this case is pure revenge, but with forums being used for trading, deals, and product promotion the trend is very dangerous – primarily because you believe you “know” the users, or atleast have some sort of respect and trust between you.

Lets walk through the steps.

August 22, 2007 / Technical Discussions

This is a big topic in Auckland right now as our City Council Elections are hijacked by a supposed candidate promoting his porn empire. It’s hard to separate the “no harm done” side of the industry from the exploitive and damaging side and to understand, in the long run, where to draw the line.

Aside from the obvious industry fronts of websites, movies, magazines and gadgets there are the rogues that exploit the demand for the product. I guess anytime you have something popular there are going to be people who trick and connive.

Take Captcha – it’s a great way to bot proof your website and unless

June 29, 2007 / Other Stuff
March 30, 2005 / New Zealand