Trademe is our local equivalent of eBay. There are a few pretenders but Trademe has the profile. It was one of the dotcoms started up by school kids, supported by their parents, that actually flew (Maxnet being another).
So I was amused to find that a Jeremy Matthews had purchased a mispelt domain and put up a mischievous front page.

He then flaunts a supposed email from Trade Me and seemingly nothing else. My first thought was that it was a good ruse to get bloggers blogging (see it worked) but the domainz info for tardme versus trademe is quite different so it may actually be real.
It’ll be interesting to see if the domain is ever offered for public sale – or if TradeMe end up buying it. A quick search on Google shows that the misspelling is relatively common so it may be useful.
The saving grace I guess is that the auction urls are sufficiently complicated that if you were giving out the link you’d copy and paste rather than try to type so the url is unlikely to be corrupted.
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