Core Needle Biopsy, Fine Needle Aspiration, & Stereotactic Breast Biopsies
I supported my mother through a Mammotone biopsy yesterday. It wasn’t great for her but the system is fantastic and the clarity of the xrays they take at the same time was fantastic. Amazing what they can do to help make correct and timely diagnoses.
I had this procedure 1 week ago and it went very smoothly. Only slight discomfort during the numbing procedure, which was done in 3 stages, going deeper each time. I did feel an odd sensation when the suction was activiate, but no pain. I did have some discomfort, more of an ache, really, after the anesthesetic wore off. It was well controlled with Extra Strength Tylenol. There was some residual bleeding when I was sent home, but if soon stopped. The pain continued for 3 days. There has been considerable bruising, and I can feel a hard lump where the tumor was. I assume this is a hematoma, and will resolve on its own. It is bothersome, though, as it is sore. Overall, I think the procedure went very well and I am glad that I had it done in this manner, rather than through an out-patient hospital setting. Within 48 hours I had the results of the biopsy, which confirmed a preliminary diagnosis of fibro-adenoma. I would recommend this procedure to anyone in the same situation.
I had to look up fibro-adenoma – I’m glad that’s all it was!